Monday, September 6, 2010


Away We Go, Elle

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a relaxing Labor Day weekend! I personally spent mine with family,  friends, and wallet-worthy, Labor Day deals. I found it to be the perfect opportunity to purchase myself a lovely set of DVF luggage. Why luggage, you might ask? Well, let me tell you! This summer, I didn't really get much of a break after graduating college. With my 40 hour (sometimes 60 hour!) work weeks, I barely had time to even think some days. After finally realizing I needed some much needed me-time, before beginning "real" life,  I planned a spontaneous cross-country trip with my friend, Alex L! That means, pancakeSTACKER could be coming to a city near you!!

Away We Go, Elle

I leave at the end of next week, and I will be traversing the good ole USA for about a month! I will be visiting Seattle, Portland, DC, NYC, and Boston, just to name a few. Since it will be my first time in most, if not all, of these places (appalling, I know), I'm going to need some help. That's where you all come in because I'm hosting my first blog contest for all of you!


To make this contest a little more personal, I'm giving away a goody bag full of some of my favorite, never-leave-home-without-them, travel items, so you can feel like you're coming along on the trip (or be ready for a future one of your own).

I will include some of my favorite plane-friendly personal items, such as:
  • Herbal Essence's Hello Hydration shampoo + conditioner (the coconut milk and tropical orchid smell is so divine, you'll spend hours washing your hair)
  • Burt's Bee's lip balm (the pomegranate oil will give your lips just the right tint of red)
  • Exfoliating body butter (for silky smooth skin)
  • My magazine of choice, Elle, which has the perfect amount of pages to get you through a plane, train, or car ride
  • An eye mask and ear plugs to help you catch some z's
  • A mixed cd full of eargasm-worthy tunes that you can import into your iPod, to help you feel like you're getting away, even if you aren't just yet
  • AND MORE!!

1. Leave your comment with your thoughtful suggestions in this post ONLY.
  •  No matter where you're from, please feel free to leave a comment below and let me know what I should see, do, or taste (of course) in your area!  
  •  Whether it be your secret happy hour spot, the boutique down the street where you spend hours shopping, or the best pancake house you've ever been to, any and all advice is welcome! 
  • I'd especially like to hear suggestions that stray away from the typical, touristy sites (I've already got my travel guidebook highlighted with all the big spots).  
2. Please leave your email address where you can be contacted.
3. Contest ends Wednesday, September 15th at 12:00 pm PST
4. Open to both USA & International blog buddies :)

P.S. I've created a twitter account, so you can all follow tweets of my future travels, blog updates, and surprises! Don't forget to follow my blog as well! Who knows, there might be an extra special surprise for the winner if  you are follower of both my blog and twitter....

Good luck to you all and can't wait to hear all your great recommendations!!


  1. So in Portland, OR there's a donut shop called Voodoo Doughnut. They have a donut with BACON on it. It's like they knew you were coming!

  2. Waaauw this is an amazing giveaway!!
    So cool you're going traveling, I want to do that too!! I don't live in the US, so can't really give you tips for a special place... But if you go to NY, then you HAVE to go to the Guggenheim :) Maybe you've alreade seen it?



  3. ah btw: I follow you:) coooool blog :D

  4. That trip sounds amazing!! Lovely giveaway! I follow you on twitter now!!:)


  5. HI there...thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for leaving a sweet comment:)

    How exciting...a road trip!! I live about 30 minutes outside of Detroit of course Detroit is the place to see....(not my little city, lol) Id have to say if in town, youd have to check out the Detroit Institute of Arts (I saw a very cool showing of Avalon there last year), the Detroit Science Center and Fox Theatre.
    If you go outside of the city...there is a really cool place called Royal Oak that has a few vintage shops I love and awesome night life. If you happen to come this way.....please send me an email...Id love to meet up with you!!!

  6. Duh....I left off the other info for the giveaway....hahaha

    I follow you on Google:)

    Statements in Fashion

  7. Love the first photo! Fabulous giveaway. :)

  8. Love the scarf in first pic!

    Great blog!


  9. too awesome!! Love these fotos


  10. Welcome! Propose to visit Poland, and more Bieszczady - wild nature, beautiful scenery and wonderful landscapes to shoot. You will travel to Sanok, where you can revel in the shopping, I'll show you the best second hand in town. And then invite you to dinner at the family home and for you I'll dumplings with mushrooms, elderberry compote and chocolate buns, with apples and walnuts. In the evening you will enjoy a tea with ginger-orange jelly and listen to wonderful Polish love songs. That trip to the Polish could offer you in my company. It is a pity that I live so far away ...

    P.S. Sorry for my english ;)))

  11. very cool girl

    take also a look at my blog and maybe you could also become one of my blogfriends :)?


  12. I adore that editorial! saw it on tFS and fell in love with it straight away

  13. butter, sugar and milk= your blog <3

    sweet cake

  14. love it!

    Check out new photoshoots from the underground:


  15. fabulous pics with great styling xxxx

  16. nashville is the host to the best pancakes EVER!!

    pancake pantry. you would absolutely love it!


  17. LOVE IT
    you've got a great blog, keep it up!
    a great source of inspiration
    thanks for sharing, i'll be coming back!


  18. Those images from Elle are stunning - I swear that model must be the tallest girl I have ever seen!

    Your travels sound sooo exciting! If you were coming to Manchester in the UK I would suggest walking along the canal through Castlefield, where you can see herons, ducks, swans and all sorts of little animals. It is just outside the city center but it feels like a world away and it is a great place for de-stressing after too many hot crowded changing rooms!

    Charlotte xx

    Follow me on Twitter
    Become a Facebook fan

  19. love the images!! great blog :)

    Jennifer & Sherry

  20. i love those first two photos! yay, fall is coming!

  21. Hi there! New to your blog and already loving it. :)

    I live half an hour outside of Portland, OR. Saw the first comment by Alex and, yes, Voodoo Doughnut has a maple bar with bacon on it. Lol. So many other amazing flavors, they're crazy good! I'm a big foodie so I also recommend Huber's Restaurant/Cafe for appetizer's and drinks, and Le Bistro Montage for dinner and more drinks! :) Both are small and quaint and have an awesome vibe. Have a wonderful trip!

  22. This sounds amazing! Enjoy! I wish i could give you tips but I havent been to any of these places either! I'm from South Africa!

  23. O, but you listed SF as one of your cities...
    If you haven't tried it already, I'd recommend Blue Barn for salads and sandwiches, Miette's gingerbread cupcakes (SO good), Marzano for pizza (but its in Oakland), Bakesale Betty in Oakland for their chicken sandwich. Now I'm getting hungry myself :)

  24. I absolutly love the pictures!!!

  25. I'm from Melbourne, Australia.

    Definitely make it to Queen Victoria Markets, full or fresh produce and hand-made goodies.

    Also, take a trip to Eureka Skydeck, the highest building in town, for a lovely view of the city :)

    Lastly, lots of vintage and small shops in Flinders Lane, catch a train or tram there to find some one-off fashion pieces!!


  26. thankyou for the comment on my blog, great pics in this post! im afraid i cant help you with this on cause im from england, but if you're ever coming to the uk i can point you in the right direction ;) xx
    ^ check out my blog guys, need followers!

  27. I used to live in Boston. if you're there take the T out to Allston or the Bus to Jamaica Plain. The best vintage shop in Boston (40 South Street) is there and they're both really cool places to spend a day or an evening.

  28. gorgeous photos! in nyc, you should shop till you drop at Intermix -- one of my faves!

  29. awesome giveaway!!!!!! in ny, go to guggenheim and then victoria's secret, they're close to each other i think : ) oh and in central park there are these silver tree sculptures, they are beautiful :)

    kisses from the philippines xxx

  30. Loving the pictures


    Check out our blog and sign up to win a Prada bag

  31. Hey there! Just discovered your blog :D

    Anyway, I live about an hour away from Cleveland, Ohio. In my town, there's a little cafe, called Black River. While others will tell you to go to the fancier restaurant in my town, Black River has THE BEST PANCAKES IN THE HISTORY OF FOREVER. I always get a traditional raspberry one and it is DELICIOUS - even without syrup.

    Yeah, sorry for not living in a huge city, but we've got 8,000 people, which I don't think is too small at all!

    My email is

    Thank you :D

  32. Wish I could give youtips on those places but I am in South Africa,however if you ever come her then you should definately visit Sun City,its filled with delicious food,exitement and wildlife:)

    have a great trip!

    I already follow your blog and twitter:)

  33. In Memphis, every May, we have the Beale Street Music Fest. It's must! I've lived here for two years, and attended both years.

  34. There is a fabulous italian ice cream place in salt lake city, utah called Lula's.

    CLOTHED MUCH, a modest fashion blog

  35. there is this great place in hollywood called kitchen 24 - it is open 24 hours. the food is amazing, and the prices are really good too. :D

    my email:

    <3, Mimi

  36. I've always wanted to go on a trip like yours. I have a few NYC recommendations for you... I love showing people around when they come to visit! It depends what part of the city you're in, but here are a few of my favorite (affordable!) places in a few different neighborhoods...

    Upper East Side: Go to Central Park, the Met, and Alice's Teacup 3 for tea, scones, and awesome food (waaay better than Serendipity)

    Lower East Side: The Donut Plant (amazing gourmet donuts and chai), a beer pretty much anyplace, and crazy people watching.

    East Village: There are always things going on in Thompkins Square Park, Hummus Place for lunch, and Xoom Juice for amaaaazing smoothies.

    Chelsea/Meatpacking District: Walk around the Meat Packing District (12th-14th St from 9th-11th Ave) for designer window shopping, go to the Beer Garden at the Standard Hotel, Chelsea Market, and the High Line.

    The Brooklyn Flea is pretty much one of my favorite things to do on the weekends, and if the weather is nice definitely walk across the Brooklyn Bridge.

    Sorry, I think I got a little too into that. Have fun!!

  37. This is such a great giveaway.

    New Orleans is a great city. If you stop by New Orleans you definitely should go on Magazine Street. There's vintage shops all down this street and great places to eat.

    For a great seafood resturant that has authenic Louisiana cuisine stop by Drago's on Canal Street.

    Have fun on your trip: )



i love it when you whisper sweet nothings to me.

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